python examples 2 كورس تعلم بايثون كامل بالعربي

python examples 2 كورس تعلم بايثون كامل بالعربي , كورس تعلم بايثون من الصفر  تعلم بايثون للمبتدى والمحترف ، دوره شاملة بايثون ، تمارين بايثون  تعلم لغة بايثون .

Python program to print Even Numbers in a List

Python program to print Even Numbers in a List


# list of numbers 

list1 = [10, 21, 4, 45, 66, 93]  

# iterating each number in list 

for num in list1: 

# checking condition 

if num % 2 == 0: 

print(num, end = " ") 


Python program to check if a string is palindrome or not

Python program to check if a string is palindrome or not


def isPalindrome(s): 

rev =  s[::-1] 

# Checking if both string are equal or not 

if (s == rev): 

return True

return False

# Driver code 

s = "malayalam"

ans = isPalindrome(s) 

if ans == 1: 





function to check if small string is there in big string

function to check if small string is there in big string


def check(string, sub_str): 

if (string.find(sub_str) == -1): 




# driver code 

string = "zeus is a programmer"

sub_str ="zeus"

check(string, sub_str) 


Function to find permutations of a given string

Function to find permutations of a given string


from itertools import permutations 

def allPermutations(str): 

# Get all permutations of string 'ABC' 

permList = permutations(str)

# print all permutations 

for perm in list(permList): 

print (''.join(perm)) 

# Driver program 

if name == "main": 

str = 'ABC'



Python3 code to find largest prime factor of number

Python3 code to find largest prime factor of number

import math 

def maxPrimeFactors (n):

maxPrime = -1

while n % 2 == 0: 

maxPrime = 2

n >>= 1     # equivalent to n /= 2 
for i in range(3, int(math.sqrt(n)) + 1, 2): 

while n % i == 0: 

maxPrime = i 

n = n / i 

if n > 2: 

maxPrime = n 

return int(maxPrime) 

n = 15


n = 25698751364526



Python Program to find sum of array

Python Program to find sum of array

# Python 3 code to find sum 
# of elements in given array 
def _sum(arr,n): 

# return sum using sum 
# inbuilt sum() function 

# driver function 
# input values to list 
arr = [12, 3, 4, 15] 

# calculating length of array 
n = len(arr) 

ans = _sum(arr,n) 

# display sum 
print ('Sum of the array is ', ans) 


Python Counter| Find all duplicate characters in string

Python Counter| Find all duplicate characters in string


from collections import Counter 

def find_dup_char(input): 

WC = Counter(input) 

j = -1

for i in WC.values(): 

j = j + 1

if( i > 1 ): 

print WC.keys()[j],

if name == "main": 

input = 'hellowelcome'



Python Program to find largest element in an array

Python Program to find largest element in an array


# Python3 program to find maximum 
# in arr[] of size n 

# python function to find maximum 
# in arr[] of size n 
def largest(arr,n): 

# Initialize maximum element 
max = arr[0] 

# Traverse array elements from second 
# and compare every element with 
# current max 
for i in range(1, n): 
if arr[i] > max: 
max = arr[i] 
return max

# Driver Code 
arr = [10, 324, 45, 90, 9808] 
n = len(arr) 
Ans = largest(arr,n) 
print ("Largest in given array is",Ans) 


Python Program for Find remainder of array multiplication divided by n

Python Program for Find remainder of array multiplication divided by n

#Input : 
#arr[] = {100, 10, 5, 25, 35, 14}, 
#n = 11

#Output : 9

#Explanation :

#100 x 10 x 5 x 25 x 35 x 14 = 61250000 % 11 = 9

#Code :

# Python3 program to 
# find remainder when 
# all array elements 
# are multiplied. 

# Find remainder of arr[0] * arr[1] 
# * .. * arr[n-1] 
def findremainder(arr, lens, n): 
mul = 1

# find the individual 
# remainder and 
# multiple with mul. 
for i in range(lens): 
mul = (mul * (arr[i] % n)) % n 

return mul % n 

# Driven code 
arr = [ 100, 10, 5, 25, 35, 14 ] 
lens = len(arr) 
n = 11

# print the remainder 
# of after multiple 
# all the numbers 
print( findremainder(arr, lens, n)) 


Python Program to Split the array and add the first part to the end

Python Program to Split the array and add the first part to the end


#Code :

# Python program to split array and move first 
# part to end. 

def splitArr(arr, n, k): 
for i in range(0, k): 
x = arr[0] 
for j in range(0, n-1): 
arr[j] = arr[j + 1] 

arr[n-1] = x 

# main 
arr = [12, 10, 5, 6, 52, 36] 
n = len(arr) 
position = 2

splitArr(arr, n, position) 

for i in range(0, n): 
print(arr[i], end = ' ')