رموز الأسهم في HTML

HTML رموز الأسهم

طريقة عرض رموز الأسهم

رموز الأسهم عبارة عن مجموعة أحرف إن تم وضعها مع بعضها يقوم المتصفح بعرض رمز سهم محدد مكانها.
هذه الأحرف مهمة جداً فهي تتيح لك إمكانية عرض أي سهم تريد في الصفحة حتى و إن كان السهم غير موجوداً على الكيبورد الذي تستخدمه.

الأحرف التي نستخدمها لعرض الأسهم يمكن وضعها بأسلوب عشري ( Decimal ) أو بأسلوب سداسي عشري ( Hexadecimal ), بالإضافة لأسلوب أصل الإسم ( Entity ) الذي تم توفيره لبعض الأسهم لأنه يعتبر أسهل لك حيث أن الأحرف المستخدمة فيه تكون مكونة من أسماء الأسهم نفسها.

قاعدة عامة

  • عند استخدام الأسلوب Entity يجب إضافة & قبل وضع أحرف الرمز.

  • عند استخدام الأسلوب Decimal يجب إضافة &# قبل وضع أحرف الرمز.

  • عند استخدام الأسلوب Hexadecimal يجب إضافة &#x قبل وضع أحرف الرمز.

كما أنه يفضّل دائماً وضع فاصلة منقوطة ; بعد كتابة أحرف الرمز و هذا أمر اختياري و لكننا ننصح بفعله.

في الجدول التالي قمنا بذكر كل الرموز المتاحة التي يمكن استخدامها لعرض الأسهم.

الرمز Decimal Hexadecimal Entity إسمه مثال
← ← ← Leftwards Arrow جربه
↑ ↑ ↑ Upwards Arrow
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&#8594; &#x2192; &rarr; Rightwards Arrow
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&#8595; &#x2193; &darr; Downwards Arrow جربه
&#8596; &#x2194; &harr; Left Right Arrow جربه
&#8597; &#x2195; Up Down Arrow جربه
&#8598; &#x2196; North West Arrow جربه
&#8599; &#x2197; North East Arrow جربه
&#8600; &#x2198; South East Arrow جربه
&#8601; &#x2199; South West Arrow جربه
&#8602; &#x219A; Leftwards Arrow With Stroke جربه
&#8603; &#x219B; Rightwards Arrow With Stroke جربه
&#8604; &#x219C; Leftwards Wave Arrow جربه
&#8605; &#x219D; Rightwards Wave Arrow جربه
&#8606; &#x219E; Leftwards Two Headed Arrow جربه
&#8607; &#x219F; Upwards Two Headed Arrow جربه
&#8608; &#x21A0; Rightwards Two Headed Arrow جربه
&#8609; &#x21A1; Downwards Two Headed Arrow جربه
&#8610; &#x21A2; Leftwards Arrow With Tail جربه
&#8611; &#x21A3; Rightwards Arrow With Tail جربه
&#8612; &#x21A4; Leftwards Arrow From Bar جربه
&#8613; &#x21A5; Upwards Arrow From Bar جربه
&#8614; &#x21A6; Rightwards Arrow From Bar جربه
&#8615; &#x21A7; Downwards Arrow From Bar جربه
&#8616; &#x21A8; Up Down Arrow With Base جربه
&#8617; &#x21A9; Left Arrow With Hook جربه
&#8618; &#x21AA; Rightwards Arrow With Hook جربه
&#8619; &#x21AB; Leftwards Arrow With Loop جربه
&#8620; &#x21AC; Rightwards Arrow With Loop جربه
&#8621; &#x21AD; Left Right Wave Arrow جربه
&#8622; &#x21AE; Left Right Arrow With Stroke جربه
&#8623; &#x21AF; Down Zigzag Arrow جربه
&#8624; &#x21B0; Upwards Arrow With Tip Leftwards جربه
&#8625; &#x21B1; Upwards Arrow With Tip Rightwards جربه
&#8626; &#x21B2; Downwards Arrow With Tip Leftwards جربه
&#8627; &#x21B3; Downwards Arrow With Tip Rightwards جربه
&#8628; &#x21B4; Rightwards Arrow With Corner Downwards جربه
&#8629; &#x21B5; &crarr; Downwards Arrow With Corner Leftwards جربه
&#8630; &#x21B6; Anticlockwise Top Semicircle Arrow جربه
&#8631; &#x21B7; Clockwise Top Semicircle Arrow جربه
&#8632; &#x21B8; North West Arrow To Long Bar جربه
&#8633; &#x21B9; Leftwards Arrow To Bar Over Rightwards Arrow To Bar جربه
&#8634; &#x21BA; Anticlockwise Open Circle Arrow جربه
&#8635; &#x21BB; Clockwise Open Circle Arrow جربه
&#8636; &#x21BC; Leftwards Harpoon With Barb Upwards جربه
&#8637; &#x21BD; Leftwards Harpoon With Barb Downwards جربه
&#8638; &#x21BE; Upwards Harpoon With Barb Rightwards جربه
&#8639; &#x21BF; Upwards Harpoon With Barb Leftwards جربه
&#8640; &#x21C0; Rightwards Harpoon With Barb Upwards جربه
&#8641; &#x21C1; Rightwards Harpoon With Barb Downwards جربه
&#8642; &#x21C2; Downwards Harpoon With Barb Rightwards جربه
&#8643; &#x21C3; Downwards Harpoon With Barb Leftwards جربه
&#8644; &#x21C4; Rightwards Arrow Over Leftwards Arrow جربه
&#8645; &#x21C5; Upwards Arrow Leftwards Of Downwards Arrow جربه
&#8646; &#x21C6; Leftwards Arrow Over Rightwards Arrow جربه
&#8647; &#x21C7; Leftwards Paired Arrows جربه
&#8648; &#x21C8; Upwards Paired Arrows جربه
&#8649; &#x21C9; Rightwards Paired Arrows جربه
&#8650; &#x21CA; Downwards Paired Arrows جربه
&#8651; &#x21CB; Leftwards Harpoon Over Rightwards Harpoon جربه
&#8652; &#x21CC; Rightwards Harpoon Over Leftwards Harpoon جربه
&#8653; &#x21CD; Leftwards Double Arrow With Stroke جربه
&#8654; &#x21CE; Left Right Double Arrow With Stroke جربه
&#8655; &#x21CF; Rightwards Double Arrow With Stroke جربه
&#8656; &#x21D0; &lArr; Leftwards Double Arrow جربه
&#8657; &#x21D1; &uArr; Upwards Double Arrow جربه
&#8658; &#x21D2; &rArr; Rightwards Double Arrow جربه
&#8659; &#x21D3; &dArr; Downwards Double Arrow جربه
&#8660; &#x21D4; &hArr; Left Right Double Arrow جربه
&#8661; &#x21D5; Up Down Double Arrow جربه
&#8662; &#x21D6; North West Double Arrow جربه
&#8663; &#x21D7; North East Double Arrow جربه
&#8664; &#x21D8; South East Double Arrow جربه
&#8665; &#x21D9; South West Double Arrow جربه
&#8666; &#x21DA; Leftwards Triple Arrow جربه
&#8667; &#x21DB; Rightwards Triple Arrow جربه
&#8668; &#x21DC; Leftwards Squiggle Arrow جربه
&#8669; &#x21DD; &zigrarr; Rightwards Squiggle Arrow جربه
&#8670; &#x21DE; Upwards Arrow With Double Stroke جربه
&#8671; &#x21DF; Downwards Arrow With Double Stroke جربه
&#8672; &#x21E0; Leftwards Dashed Arrow جربه
&#8673; &#x21E1; Upwards Dashed Arrow جربه
&#8674; &#x21E2; Rightwards Dashed Arrow جربه
&#8675; &#x21E3; Downwards Dashed Arrow جربه
&#8676; &#x21E4; Leftwards Arrow To Bar جربه
&#8677; &#x21E5; Rightwards Arrow To Bar جربه
&#8678; &#x21E6; Leftwards White Arrow جربه
&#8679; &#x21E7; Upwards White Arrow جربه
&#8680; &#x21E8; Rightwards White Arrow جربه
&#8681; &#x21E9; Downwards White Arrow جربه
&#8682; &#x21EA; Upwards White Arrow From Bar جربه
&#8683; &#x21EB; Upwards White Arrow On Pedestal جربه
&#8684; &#x21EC; Upwards White Arrow On Pedestal With Horizontal Bar جربه
&#8685; &#x21ED; Upwards White Arrow On Pedestal With Vertical Bar جربه
&#8686; &#x21EE; Upwards White Double Arrow جربه
&#8687; &#x21EF; Upwards White Double Arrow On Pedestal جربه
&#8688; &#x21F0; Rightwards White Arrow From Wall جربه
&#8689; &#x21F1; North West Arrow To Corner جربه
&#8690; &#x21F2; South East Arrow To Corner جربه
&#8691; &#x21F3; Up Down White Arrow جربه
&#8692; &#x21F4; Right Arrow With Small Circle جربه
&#8693; &#x21F5; Downwards Arrow Leftwards Of Upwards Arrow جربه
&#8694; &#x21F6; Three Rightwards Arrows جربه
&#8695; &#x21F7; Leftwards Arrow With Vertical Stroke جربه
&#8696; &#x21F8; Rightwards Arrow With Vertical Stroke جربه
&#8697; &#x21F9; Left Right Arrow With Vertical Stroke جربه
&#8698; &#x21FA; Leftwards Arrow With Double Vertical Stroke جربه
&#8699; &#x21FB; Rightwards Arrow With Double Vertical Stroke جربه
&#8700; &#x21FC; Left Right Arrow With Double Vertical Stroke جربه
&#8701; &#x21FD; Leftwards Open-Headed Arrow جربه
&#8702; &#x21FE; Rightwards Open-Headed Arrow جربه
&#8703; &#x21FF; Left Right Open-Headed Arrow جربه
&#10224; &#x27F0; Up Quadruple Arrow جربه
&#10225; &#x27F1; Down Quadruple Arrow جربه
&#10226; &#x27F2; Anticlockwise Gapped Circle Arrow جربه
&#10227; &#x27F3; Clockwise Gapped Circle Arrow جربه
&#10228; &#x27F4; Right Arrow With Circled Plus جربه
&#10229; &#x27F5; &xlarr; Long Left Arrow جربه
&#10230; &#x27F6; &xrarr; Long Right Arrow جربه
&#10231; &#x27F7; &xharr; Long Left Right Arrow جربه
&#10232; &#x27F8; &xlArr; Long Left Double Arrow جربه
&#10233; &#x27F9; &xrArr; Long Right Double Arrow جربه
&#10234; &#x27FA; &xhArr; Long Left Right Double Arrow جربه
&#10235; &#x27FB; Long Left Arrow From Bar جربه
&#10236; &#x27FC; &xmap; Long Right Arrow From Bar جربه