HTML Tutorial |أمثلة شاملة في Html

مثال الوسم <html> في HTML

في المثال التالي قمنا باخراج جملة First HTML Page باستخدام بنية html الاساسية

المثال الاول

				<!DOCTYPE html>
				First HTML Page
				Simple HTML Code.


Simple HTML Code.

مثال الوسم <p> في HTML

paragraph tag

المثال الثاني

				<!DOCTYPE html>

				paragraph tag

This is the First paragraph starting

This is the Second paragraph starting

</body> </html>


This is the First paragraph starting

This is the Second paragraph starting

مثال الوسوم <h1-h6> في HTML

Heading Tag

المثال الثالث

				<!DOCTYPE html>

				Heading Tag

Heading 1

Heading 2

Heading 3

Heading 4

Heading 5
Heading 6
</body> </html>


Heading 1

Heading 2

Heading 3

Heading 4

Heading 5
Heading 6

مثال الوسم <hr> في HTML

Used for creating a horizontal line. This is also called Horizontal Rule in HTML. This tag defines a thematic break in an HTML page (e.g. a shift of topic). Used to separate the content (or define a change) in an HTML page.

المثال الرابع

				<!DOCTYPE html>

				Horizontal line

                First Line 
Second Line
Third Line
</body> </html>


Horizontal line First Line
Second Line
Third Line

مثال الوسم <hr> في HTML

We can change the line colour, using color attribute.

المثال الخامس

				<!DOCTYPE html>

				Horizontal line color

				First Line 
Second Line
Third Line
</body> </html>


Horizontal line color First Line
Second Line
Third Line

مثال الوسم <hr> في HTML

We can change the default line size using size attribute. We can use more than one attribute. In this example we have used color and size attributes.

المثال السادس

				<!DOCTYPE html>

				Horizontal line size

				First Line 
Second Line
Third Line
</body> </html>


Horizontal line size First Line
Second Line
Third Line

مثال الوسم <hr> في HTML

We can change the default width using width attribute.

المثال السابع

				<!DOCTYPE html>

				Horizontal line width

				First Line 
Second Line
Third Line
</body> </html>


Horizontal line width First Line
Second Line
Third Line

مثال الوسم <b> في HTML

We can use Bold, Italic and Underline tag anywhere, but we should close all tags properly.

المثال الثامن

				<!DOCTYPE html>

				Text formatting

				This text is bold Text
This text is italic Text
This text is UnderLine Text
This is The Mixed Line </body> </html>


Text formatting This text is bold Text
This text is italic Text
This text is UnderLine Text
This is The Mixed Line

مثال الوسم <span> في HTML

This tag is used for grouping and applying styles to inline elements. This tag is similar to div> tag, to see difference between the two, check the next example.

المثال التاسع

				<!DOCTYPE html>

				span tag

				This is the sample span was end.



span tag This is the sample span

مثال الوسم <Div> في HTML

This tag is nothing more than a container unit that encapsulates other page elements and divides the HTML document into sections.

المثال العاشر

				<!DOCTYPE html>

				div tag


This is the first Div
This is the Second Div
</body> </html>


div tag
This is the first Div
This is the Second Div

مثال الوسم <em> في HTML

This tag is a phrase tag. It renders as emphasized text. This tag marks text that has stress emphasis which traditionally means that the text is displayed in italics by the browser. It is not deprecated, but it is possible to achieve richer effect with CSS.

المثال 11

				<!DOCTYPE html>

				Emphasied text 

				Normal Text 
Emphasized Text </body> </html>


Emphasied text Normal Text
Emphasized Text

مثال الوسم <small> في HTML

This tag is used to make the text size smaller. This tag can not make the text smaller than the browser's minimum font size.

المثال 12

				<!DOCTYPE html>

				Small tag

				Normal Text 
small Text
This is small Sample </body> </html>


Small tag Normal Text
small Text
This is small Sample